Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Finally, Graduation!

I finally graduated from college in forensic accounting and reaaaady to craft.  I have something special coming up for those who like to send out Christmaso photocards.  Also, glad to say that I am going to be able to add files for the Sihouette Cameos users.

Until then blessings for you all.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth of July

File:US F...

Let Freedome Ring!

Happy Birthday America. 
 THANKS to the troops for your service, to whom I wouldn't have
what I have without your fight.  Thanks again to all Vet, Active and In-Active.

Note to self: Just one more month until

no more school for me.  After 3,000 words to be typed and an oral presentation, I will at last get to craft.  I must have at least 20 new cuts I created but never tested.  So I hope to get them here soon.  Graduating has its bittersweet memories for me and looking forward to getting things done.

Typing my finish here makes it feel as though it will go fast. I never wish time to go fast except for the class (great teacher, but senioritious is upon me!).

Note to self: later.